Dr. Irene Blinston earned her Ph.D. at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA. During her 4 years of study at the institute she spent the last 3 years as a dissertation assistant in the dissertation department. One of her duties was to double check the documents for APA errors. During this process she detected numerous repeated errors by the students. It became obvious that many students were having the same problems. She then began offering APA formatting services to her fellow students.
Having written a dissertation herself, Dr. Blinston knows only too well the stress that can be a part of the process. Working hard to meet deadlines and frantically pulling everything together for meetings with the disseration committee can be crazy-making. Her head was still spinning when she walked in her graduation. She happily discovered that this “dissertation psychosis” is only temporary.
After graduation, Dr. Blinston was asked to help a doctoral student from another school. The student’s dissertation chairperson told her that she would need to seek outside help for her APA formatting problem. When Dr. Blinston looked over the document she could see the same common errors as she had seen during her work in the dissertation department. Additionaly, the features in the Microsoft Word program were not being used to their full advantage. As an expert in Microsoft Word, Dr. Blinston began to train her clients how to maintain the formatting she had created for them.
Word-of-mouth spread and Dr. Blinston was receiving dissertations and dissertation proposals from frantic students around the country. It became apparent that guidance through the dissertation process was sorely needed, so she reworked her offernings to include Proposal and Dissertation Coaching Packages. Please take a look at the packages that are available Dissertation Proposal Coaching Package, Dissertation Coaching package, and the all too often needed “Help! I Need a Miracle!” Coaching Package.
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